Ventro’s Beach Clean

We have signed up for our beach clean on Friday 17th September, where a team of Ventro staff will travel to local beach, Wembury, to collect any litter and waste which is littering our beautiful shores. We will be sharing our finds from the day here, so be sure to check back for updates. Do your bit today and see what beach cleans are available in your area here.
Who are The Marine Conservation Society?
The Marine Conservation Society is a UK-wide community of ocean lovers, who all work together to complete the vision of a sea full of life. A sea where nature flourishes and people thrive.
What do The Marine Conservation Society do?
The fight for our oceans through people-powered action, with science. They defend habitats and species by working with communities, businesses and governments.
Some of their goals for the near future:
- Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture – Ensure there are more fish in healthier seas, improve the way wild fisheries and fish farms are managed, and influence consumers and seafood businesses to be more responsible in their seafood buying choices.
- Clean seas – Ensure seas are cleaner, track the health of our seas, identify key sources of pollution and develop innovative solutions for preventing it and cleaning it up.
- Ocean recovery – Ensure our seas are better protected, improve marine management, secure well-managed marine protected areas, recover, nurture and protect marine species and habitats, and track ocean recovery.
In the year 2019-2020 they achieved to:
- engage directly with 286 parliamentarians and their experts responded to 18 consultations
- made 56 new connections with business and industry
- helped 43 communities take action to look after their seas
- improved the sustainability of seafood in over 760 million meals via businesses using their Good Fish Guide ratings.
- develop new or updated Good Fish Guide Ratings for 342 different fisheries and fish farming methods
- helped secure protection for UK seas. The total marine protected area is 10 times the size of Wales
- create 2 Ocean Schools
- Conducted 1,171 citizen science surveys
- helped secure more protection for UK seas.
To view the whole report from 2019-2020, please click here.
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