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Network With Round Table Events

Ventro will hold round table events to share industry knowledge and network with like-minded individuals. These can be held in partnership with a framework and with a more targeted audience to ensure a focused discussion can take place. A typical round table event will include a presentation which can be in the form of a CPD, networking and a question and answer session.


Ventro Round Tables-2


Our roundtables are designed to be a place for responsible and accountable persons to share their experience, learn from each other and guest speakers and ask questions that are specific to their needs and requirements.

Some really important take aways, including emerging risks, new technologies and ever-changing regulation in the fire safety sector.

Knowledge sharing is a key goal this year as we understand the need to stay informed in an ever changing fire safety landscape.

  • Knowledge sharing 
  • Networking
  • Industry Knowledge






Our unique approach to fire safety uses a 3-step process to go beyond simple compliance.


100,000 Sites


Ventro has reached fire protection compliance on 100,000 sites across the whole of the UK.

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Our Round Table Events
Wales Round Table Event

Round Table Event

Wales Round Table Event

This event was supported by the Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA), South Wales Fire and Rescue, and Aico. 

📍 Cardiff, Wales

📅 8th May 2024

Interested In Learning More?
Cambridge Round Table Event

Round Table Event

Cambridge Round Table Event

This round table event included a CPD for Fire doors and Compartmentation. 

📍 Madingley, Cambridge 

📅 21st February 2024

Interested In Learning More?
London Round Table Event

Round Table Event

London Round Table Event

This event was supported by LHC and Solidcor. 

📍 Uxbridge, London

📅 19th October 2023

Interested In Learning More?
Manchester Round Table Event

Round Table Event

Manchester Round Table Event

This event was supported by TCW, PFH and Sertus. 

📍 Salford Quays, Manchester

📅 18th October 2023

Interested In Learning More?

Networking! It was very interesting to find out other people's experiences, and ideas and share knowledge.

Round Table Attendee


Ventro's seminar was very informative, professional and technical.

Round Table Attendee


Do You Want A Round Table Event?
Register Your Interest Now!